General Lender Parameters
Geographic Lending Area: West Los Angeles, Orange County, Coastal North and South San Diego Counties
- Minimum and Maximum Loan Amounts: $25,000 to $1,000,000
- Terms: 9 Months to 60 Months
- Minimum credit score: 600
- Minimum equity in property: 40% of lenders appraised value
- Documentation: Limited for Investment or Non-Owner Occupied
- Full Documentation for Owner Occupied
- Prepayment Penalties: None
- Minimum guaranteed interest period to Lender for early prepayments: First 4 Months of scheduled interest prepayments
- Cross collateralization on case by case basis
- Borrower Types: Individuals, Trusts and Corporations in good standing
- Property Types: All types except Manufactured, Trailer, and Co-op or Leased Land properties